It seems amazing to me that our federal government is arguing over whether to raise the national debt ceiling. Our nation is in the state it is due to debt, both on the public and private sectors.
When are we Americans going to understand that when you spend more than you take in you will be saddled with debt you cannot repay. I have been teaching a personal finance class for a few years and one tenet is that when your expenses are greater than your income it is never a good idea to try and increase you income. The more effective tactic is to reduce your expenses. Apparently the federal government can't seem to agree on the best method. One side wants to increase the debt limit and increase revenue (by raising taxes) while the other side wants to freeze the debt limit and reduce spending. I have to agree with the later.
Some readers will not agree with me. However, I see a real problem with the spending habits of our government. We have so many programs that discourage people from taking responsibility for their own decisions. This is America where we are supposed to be free - free to succeed and free to fail. It increasingly seems that our chances to do either is disappearing. We appear to be free to be mediocre.
When our citizens see the governments role as provider we have a real problem. There is no end to this type of thinking. Benjamin Franklin once said, "When the people find they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic." I believe we are seeing this end in sight. If our representatives do not begin to see this and begin making decisions based on what is best for this country instead of their political careers, there is only one end for this story - socialism.
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